

AutoResume is a project designed to automate the generation, compilation, and distribution of resumes using LaTeX, integrated with CI/CD through GitHub Actions. The project includes features to upload the compiled resume to Telegram and Google Drive and send the link via a Telegram bot, providing real-time updates on the upload status.


Diagram Explaining AutoResume

Setup Instructions



1. Make a new telegram bot using BotFater and get the Token. Your token will look something like.

Getting Token

2. Get the Chat Id. If you don’t know how to get the chat id follow the following step 3.

3. Get Chat ID for a Private Chat in telegram bot.

  1. Search and open our new Telegram bot
  2. Click Start or send a message
  3. Open this URL in a browser:{our_bot_token}/getUpdates
    • Note: Prefix our token with the word bot
    • Example:
  4. You will see a JSON like this:
       "ok": true,
       "result": [
           "update_id": 83xxxxx35,
           "message": {
             "message_id": 2643,
             "from": {...},
             "chat": {
               "id": 21xxxxx38,
               "first_name": "...",
               "last_name": "...",
               "username": "@username",
               "type": "private"
             "date": 1703062972,
             "text": "/start"
  5. Check the value of result[0] This is our Chat ID: 21xxxxx38
  6. To send a message, use the following URL:
  7. If the bot token and chat ID are set correctly, the message test_message will arrive in our Telegram bot chat.

3. Fork the repo to your github account.

4. Follow the following steps to add our chat id and Token to repository secret.

  1. Goto your forked repository settings/Secrets and Variables/Actions/New repository secret Navigating to repository secrets
  2. Add your chat id and Token Adding secrets to your repository
  3. Your Repository secrets should look like. Format of secrets

5. Clone the forked repo to your local machine and make your resume by using resume.tex file and push the changes.

6. Within some time you will get a message from the telegram bot you have created.

Telegram Message

🎉 Congratulations now you will be able get your resume directly into your telegram bot every time you make changes to your resume and push it.